- Walsingham
- Can she excuse my wrongs
- “Ryght honorable…”
- Flow my tears (Lachrimae)
- Have you seen the bright lily grow
- “…Then in time passing on…”
- The Battle Galliard
- The lowest trees have tops
- “…And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter…”
- Fine knacks for ladies
- “…From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen…”
- Fantasy
- Come, heavy sleep
- Forlorn Hope Fancy
- “…And from thence I had great desire to see Italy…”
- Come again
- Wilt thou unkind thus reave me
- “…After my departure I caled to mynde…”
- Weep you no more, sad fountains
- My Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home
- Clear or cloudy
- “…men say that the Kinge of Spain…”
- In darkness let me dwell